Submit your work

Submissions are open from January 10 to April 15, 2024.

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    Author 1 (Corresponding author)


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    *Birth year

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    *Brief biography ( maximum 150 words)

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    Author 2 (Corresponding author)


    * Surnames


    *Birth year




    *Passport number

    * Country

    * Postal Code

    *Postal Code


    *Phone prefix

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    *Thematic lines (choose maximum 5)

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    * Photo by co-author

    • (max file size 25 MB)

    * Brief biography (maximum 150 words)

    Add co-author (maximum 5) It is necessary to add all the co-authors.

    Author 3 (Corresponding author)


    * Surnames


    *Birth year

    * Organization



    *Passport number

    * Country

    * Postal Code

    *Postal Code


    *Phone prefix

    * Phone

    *Thematic lines (choose maximum 5)

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    * Photo by co-author

    • (max file size 25 MB)

    * Brief biography (maximum 150 words)

    Add co-author (maximum 5) It is necessary to add all the co-authors.

    Author 4 (Corresponding author)




    *Birth year

    * Organization



    *Passport number

    * Country

    * Postal Code

    *Postal Code


    *Phone prefix


    *Thematic lines (choose maximum 5)

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    * Photo by co-author

    • (max file size 25 MB)

    * Brief biography (maximum 150 words)

    Add co-author (maximum 5) It is necessary to add all the co-authors.

    Author 5 (Corresponding author)


    * Surnames


    *Birth year

    * Organization



    *Passport number

    * Country

    * Postal Code

    *Postal Code


    *Phone prefix


    *Thematic lines (choose maximum 5)

    Another thematic line

    * Photo by co-author

    • (max file size 25 MB)

    * Brief biography (maximum 150 words)

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